How's the market ? Covid-19 Dominates

The  2019 post-election property boom officially ended in April 2020, with  the  advent of COVID-19. As with all booms that end,  some pundits will suggest that it represents the start of a crash. Without doubt, the risks lurking in this current market exceed anything in recent  memory,  including those risks experienced in the 2008 Global   Financial Crisis (GFC).

No   Panic  selling  –  unfortunately for  bargain hunters, there has been a distinct lack  of panic selling so far. The Government’s Job  Keeper, Job Seeker and  other fiscal  economic support packages, have  done a great deal   to sure  up   the   economy.  The Four  big banks have  been directed to provide bridging finance  for  eligible companies to help  them to continue to pay  wages while they  wait for their Job  Keeper payments to begin. Also, banks are  offering  mortgage payment holidays for up to 6 months. This has meant that home owners, whom  have lost their  jobs, been stood down  and/ or closed their  businesses, have  been granted crucial relief.

Therefore, we can  only see a scenario where  increased  selling may   occur across the spectrum if unemployment remains stubbornly high  when  bank mortgage holiday  repayments cease in  late   2020.  However, that  is   six months down the track.

Stock levels – we  have  noticed one interesting side  effect in the  market. Stock  levels have dropped  faster than buyer demand. While buyers are still around, many sellers have  opted against coming to market. In the  long run,  all  markets will revert to trend lines, but in the short run, markets are always subject to short term supply and demand.

Because  housing stock  (or  supply), at the  moment is quite low, there is a good  opportunity open to those who would like to sell now.

This opportunity for vendors to sell has  come about because some vendors have mistakenly felt that the  market had shut down because of COVID-19.

Competitive  buying –  in  support of   the    above-mentioned   situation, some  sales  during  COVID-19  have been buyer competitive. This is a by- product of low stock levels and buyers remaining confident about the future.

Transaction numbers – the  number of  sales did  drop in April. Primarily, the  reason being   low  stock  quickly leads to lower  transactions. Social distancing rules also  reduced the number of  people who  could  attend open inspections and  auctions. Normally, when   stock is  low,  active buyers tend to absorb available stock very  quickly  for  the  Fear  of  Missing Out (FOMO).

However, low sales on low stock levels can   also   suggest  that  buyers  and sellers may  be struggling to agree on a fair market value.  While buyers are still prepared  to make  offers, those offers don’t always meet the  vendor’s expectations.

Enquiries – fortunately, enquiries have  remained very  healthy. Even during the  2017-2019 credit squeeze, interest in real  estate remained high. The  desire to act   is  not   muted by circumstances such as these. This highlights the  fact  that buyers have not  disappeared. If coming out  of the COVID-19  pandemic, in  Australia  at least, is forthcoming before too long, long term damage to the economy will be avoided.

Rental  market  –  this   is  definitely the softest  segment in the current property  market.  The pain of  job losses being experienced in the labour market has flowed   quickly  into the rental market. Vacancies and  arrears are  up, leasing periods are  longer and only some landlords are providing rent relief. If the  economy can  get back to normal in the  near future, worse pain in the  rental market can  be  avoided. Unfortunately, the rental market has  borne the  brunt of the  COVID-19 property market thus far.

BY PETER O’MALLEY   Author – Inside Real Estate


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